


  • 公司: 深圳市盛东新材料有限公司
  • 地址: 深圳市宝安区沙井中亚硅谷
  • 联系: 苏小伟
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2020-08-12 07:30:02  141次浏览 次浏览
价 格:800

M 1351 Flame-Retardant Tape with Polyester Film Acrylic Pressure-Sensitive Adhesive聚酯薄膜膠帶 1351F-1 1351F-2 丙烯酸膠黏劑 阻燃膠帶3M 1351 Tape is anelectrical insulating polyester film tape, which meets the flame-retardancy requirements of UL 510. It consists of materials that are represented in many UL Recognized Insulation Systems and has a UL 130°C temperature rating. It also offers excellent flagging and solvent resistance; good wet grab; smooth, even unwind and is suitable for use on automated equipment.

• UL Recognized Flame Retardant

• UL Recognized Class 130°C

• Excellent Flagging Resistance

• Controlled Release

• Solvent resistant without thermosetting

• Excellent Shelf Life

• UL Recognized CTI Group I3M 1351 Tape is especially suited for applications such as wrapping coils, capacitors, wire harnesses, transformers, shaded pole motors and fractional horsepower motors.Properties: 1 mil Film (1351-1) / 2 mil Film (1351-2)Adhesive: AcrylicBacking: Polyester FilmBacking Thickness: One mil (25 micron) / Two mils (50 micron)Total Thickness: 2.5 mils ( 0,063 mm ) / 3.5 mils( 0,088 mm)Colors : Yellow, WhiteTemperature Class: 130°C (266°F)Dielectric Breakdown: 5500 Volts / 7,000 VoltsInsulation Resistance (megohms): >1000000Breaking Strength: 25 lbs./in (44 N/10mm) / 50 lbs./in (88N/10mm)Elongation (% at break): 100 / 110Electrolytic Corrosion Factor: 1.0Adhesion to Steel: 30 oz/in (3,3N/10mm)UL 510 Flame Retardant: YesPrintable: Yes1351-1厚 1mil 或 1351-2 厚 2mil 薄膜,黃, 白 色, 防燃膠黏劑, 抗鬆脫、抗溶劑,用於線圈,變壓器,和電容器的外層封包, 扁平漆包線, 馬達, 可在表面印刷, 66M長

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